A computer is an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program
Or, it is a machine that takes in raw data and performs some calculations on it and gives us the formed output in the desired format.
Types of Computers
Based on their modes of functioning, size and functionality, computers can be classified into;
Analogue computers
These are old models of computers that work on the continuous analogue signals rather than discrete signals. They are not very accurate but extremely fast.
Digital computers
These are ccomputers that use binary system of counting using electrical pulses of ON and OFF. Unlike analogue, these computers function on discrete values and are generally more accurate.
Hybrid computers
These are ccomputers that have features of both digital and analogue computers. While the analogue part handles very complicated mathematical computations, the digital components handle these numerical and logical systems.
Mainframes computers
These are computers that are accessed simultaneously by several thousands of people at once. They are used in fields of banking and telecommunication where they have to handle millions of requests together in minimal time.
These massive computers are used in the fields of engineering and scientific computations. They usually perform over a million instructions per second.
Servers are large repositories of information. They supply information to any computer that is on the same network as them. Servers handle large amounts of traffic since many people access them at the same time.
This is the type of computer that scientists and engineers may be familiar with. It is generally used in scientific applications and has a faster microprocessor along with a spacious memory.
This is a personal computer that you use at home. These computers are built for light use such as listening to music, or playing movies or accessing the internet.
Hardware vs Software
To make a computer’s meaning clear, you need to understand that there are two broad divisions of the computer.
Computer hardware is the physical parts of a computer device that we can see, feel or touch. They include the input and output devices as well as the processor chip itself.
Hardware can be replaced if broken or as per needs. Hardware can also be seen as the machinery or primary electronic part of the computer devices. These are used to build up the computer and bring it into a usable condition. For Example- Monitors, Central Processing Unit (CPU), etc.
Software is those programs which perform tasks, for example, the very browser that you are using to view this program is a software. It is a programming code that is executed on a computer processor to fulfill the required task. It is a set of programs and procedures generally written or designed in high-level programming languages which are also readable by non-technical people and the user of the computer.
Software is of two types. One is the operating system like Windows and LINUX, and the other part is the application software like MS Office, games, internet browsers etc. The computer without the software is nothing but a dumb machine. The software is what makes the computer useful to humans. Â
The high-level languages of software are converted to machine language instructions which can be understood by the computer to follow. These are represented in the form of binary code (0s and 1s) which is understood by the device. The installation of software occurs in the machine language or binary code. Â
 Types of Softwares
Software in a computer is divided into 2 parts. They are as follows;
System Softwares – System software is software in a computer that operates directly on hardware gadgets of the computer. The system software in a computer can be seen as a platform to use or run an application. It helps to use the system itself and run the hardware of the computer. System software is mostly pre-installed on the new computers. For Example- Unix Windows, etc.Â
Application Softwares – Application Softwares are software that is created for users to complete different tasks on the given computer system. Application Softwares can either be already installed in the computer device or can be installed later from to web or other sources. For Example- Games, Microsoft Word, WhatsApp, etc.
Key Parts of a Computer
Here is a brief look at the various components that make up a computer.
Central Processing Unit
Also known as the heart of the computer, the CPU can be equated to the human brain. It is a chip that has all the electrical circuits embedded in it which are responsible for reading, executing and storing programs.

Devices through which one can feed the computer some meaningful information. For example, a keyboard is an input device through which we key in data for the computer to process.
Output Devices
Devices through which the computer shows the output of its computation. For example, the screen on which appears the results is an output device.

The place where programs and executable instructions are stored. Usually, this memory is stored on the CPU.
Storage devices are those devices that read or store data — For example, hard drive. The place where information is stored is known as storage media.
Main-board on which memory, CPU, and other peripherals are connected.
These are the various components of a computer system that are critical to its functioning. Every computer, to be meaningful, needs to have these parts.
Benefits of Using a Computer
Computers Can Work 24 x 7
Since computers need electricity to run, they are capable of working without tiring. An example is the preparation of payslips for employees. A person and a computer can do the same work, but a computer will not tire nor make mistakes, which is quite possible for a person to do.
Computers Connect a Person to the Internet
In today’s world, buying, selling, advertising and interacting with friends has shifted online and the only way to access the internet is through a computer. The internet is also a storehouse of information which can be accessed in the blink of an eye.
Stores a Vast Amount of Information
Those who know what a computer is know that with the rise in technology, computers can store information in the order of terabytes. This amount is enough to save around 250 movies. So, imagine the vast information that you can have stored on the computer. Memory nowadays is cheaply available, so pictures, videos, music, and documents can all be stored on the computer at a cheap price.
Saves Time
The most critical computer basics are that the device saves time. Doing any computation on the computer saves you the time and the hassle of getting the task done. For example, preparing the monthly budget for a home can be easily accomplished on the computer in a matter of minutes, and the work is carried out not only efficiently but is also done correctly.
Computers Can Help You Make Money
If you are setting up a company of your own, you can use computers to connect to the internet and create a broader audience base. Knowing how to work with computers is a skill that is significantly in demand as many businesses have integrated their work in tandem with computers. Programmers and coders are some of the highest paid jobs in the market at present.